This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 2.7 MLv
Local datetime 2023/09/14 21:56
Universal datetime 2023/09/14 19:56
Latitude 47.99 ° ± 0.1 km
Longitude 6.36 ° ± 0.1 km
Depth 7 km (from location) ± 0.2 km

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Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Belfort  53 47656
Épinal  21 31740
Saint-Dié-des-Vosges  55 19607
Vesoul  43 14916
Héricourt  56 10601
Capavenir Vosges  29 8862
Golbey  24 8623
Lure  36 8207
Gérardmer  38 7967
Remiremont  16 7714
Luxeuil-les-Bains  19 6722
Valdoie  51 5300
Mirecourt  38 5246
Rambervillers  44 5170
Vittel  38 5071

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.29
Azimuthal gap 41.62 °
Number of stations used 43
Number of phases used 58


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
RA STDM Pg 19:56:05.13 -0.11 87.65 0.19 Manual
RA STDM Sg 19:56:08.11 0.18 87.65 0.19 Manual
FR RONF Pg 19:56:07.76 -0.22 145.79 0.34 Manual
FR RONF Sg 19:56:12.37 -0.28 145.79 0.34 Manual
RD ETNF Pg 19:56:07.98 -0.09 321.39 0.35 Manual
RD ETNF Sg 19:56:12.74 -0.07 321.39 0.35 Manual
RA STBU Pg 19:56:08.8 0 107.99 0.35 Manual
RA STBU Sg 19:56:12.87 0.05 107.99 0.35 Manual
FR XAFF Pg 19:56:10.10 0.12 22.5 0.45 Manual
FR XAFF Sg 19:56:16.32 0.22 22.5 0.45 Manual
AM R1104 Pg 19:56:10.78 0.13 51.98 0.49 Manual
AM R1104 Sg 19:56:17.47 0.22 51.98 0.49 Manual
AM R5C13 Pg 19:56:11.38 -0.01 36.68 0.53 Manual
RA ECH Pg 19:56:12.33 -0.05 67.04 0.58 Manual
FR ECH Pg 19:56:12.29 -0.1 66.97 0.58 Manual
FR ECH Sg 19:56:20.11 -0.15 66.97 0.58 Manual
FR WALT Pg 19:56:13.15 0.1 92.15 0.62 Manual
RA STBO Pg 19:56:13.45 0.31 101.93 0.62 Manual
FR ILLF Pg 19:56:14.48 0.3 116.88 0.68 Manual
RA STBR Pg 19:56:15.13 0.5 111.94 0.7 Manual
AM RFF1D Pg 19:56:14.82 -0.07 43.24 0.72 Manual
AM RA0D3 Pg 19:56:15.28 -0.09 52.62 0.74 Manual
FR BOUC Pg 19:56:15.55 0.01 185.49 0.75 Manual
FR CHMF Pg 19:56:15.86 -0.06 165.11 0.77 Manual
FR FAHY Pg 19:56:16.14 0.08 231.54 0.78 Manual
RA STUF Pn 19:56:17.93 -0.08 114.79 0.81 Manual
CH BOURR Pg 19:56:17.43 0.24 135.26 0.84 Manual
LE VOGT Pn 19:56:18.89 -0.15 83.73 0.88 Manual
FR MANO Pg 19:56:18.50 0.44 340.89 0.89 Manual
RA STFL Pg 19:56:18.22 0.05 171.12 0.89 Manual
FR ZELS Pg 19:56:18.69 0.26 69.5 0.91 Manual
FR FOURG Pg 19:56:19.48 -0.04 202.98 0.96 Manual
LE ENDD Pg 19:56:19.75 0.16 106.23 0.97 Manual
LE ENDD Sg 19:56:33.38 0.66 106.23 0.97 Manual
FR HOHE Pg 19:56:20.32 0.08 47.92 1 Manual
RD SAVF Pg 19:56:21.1 0.17 307.49 1.03 Manual
LE KIZ Pg 19:56:20.49 -0.56 91.47 1.05 Manual
CH BRANT Pg 19:56:21.38 0.11 175.85 1.06 Manual
CH BRANT Sg 19:56:35.87 0.25 175.85 1.06 Manual
FR ECK4 Pg 19:56:21.41 0.13 55.96 1.06 Manual
FR CIEL Pg 19:56:21.8 -0.48 38.09 1.07 Manual
FR CIEL Sg 19:56:36.27 0.14 38.09 1.07 Manual
CH BALST Pg 19:56:22.35 0.01 125.6 1.12 Manual
CH BALST Sg 19:56:37.16 -0.32 125.6 1.12 Manual
CH TORNY Pn 19:56:25.12 0.61 161.37 1.29 Manual
LE OPP Pn 19:56:24.47 -0.5 66.87 1.32 Manual
LE OPP Sg 19:56:44.37 0.33 66.87 1.32 Manual
FR MOLES Pn 19:56:24.89 -0.15 268.05 1.33 Manual
FO OPS Pn 19:56:25.33 -0.38 46.89 1.37 Manual
FR LEMB Pn 19:56:25.36 -0.66 41.19 1.4 Manual
FR LEMB Sg 19:56:46.23 -0.3 41.19 1.4 Manual
CH SLE Pn 19:56:26.74 -0.04 98.25 1.45 Manual
CH SLE Sg 19:56:48.43 0.12 98.25 1.45 Manual
FR BETHI Pn 19:56:27.20 0.34 329.39 1.46 Manual
CH GIMEL Pn 19:56:27.48 0.59 182.6 1.46 Manual
FR NEEW Pn 19:56:27.40 -0.13 49.61 1.51 Manual
CH ZUR Pn 19:56:29.69 0.59 111.76 1.62 Manual
CH ZUR Sg 19:56:53.52 -0.25 111.76 1.62 Manual