This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Induced
Magnitude 2.7 MLv
Local datetime 2021/05/26 15:48
Universal datetime 2021/05/26 13:48
Latitude 48.66 ° ± 0.2 km
Longitude 7.82 ° ± 0.2 km
Depth 5 km (from location) ± 0.4 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Strasbourg  11 280966
Schiltigheim  7 31894
Illkirch-Graffenstaden  17 26780
Lingolsheim  15 18324
Bischheim  6 17093
Ostwald  15 12604
Bischwiller  11 12538
Hœnheim  6 11215
Brumath  10 9986
Souffelweyersheim  6 8001
Eckbolsheim  13 6857
La Wantzenau  1 5841
Vendenheim  6 5664
Oberhausbergen  11 5381
Drusenheim  15 5154

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.16
Azimuthal gap 44.03 °
Number of stations used 40
Number of phases used 50


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
AM R4B4A Pg 13:48:14.34 0.04 103.51 0 Manual
XX STRN5 Pg 13:48:14.31 0 233.85 0.01 Manual
XX STRN9 Pg 13:48:14.31 0 338.56 0.01 Manual
AM R9197 Pg 13:48:14.38 0 148.66 0.01 Manual
XX STRN8 Pg 13:48:14.41 -0.05 148.24 0.02 Manual
FR VDH3 Pg 13:48:14.39 -0.08 92.06 0.02 Manual
FR VDH5 Pg 13:48:14.39 -0.1 170.39 0.02 Manual
FR VDH4 Pg 13:48:14.46 -0.07 249.26 0.02 Manual
FR VDH2 Pg 13:48:14.54 -0.05 303.74 0.03 Manual
FR VDH6 Pg 13:48:14.55 -0.09 329.73 0.03 Manual
AM R1869 Pg 13:48:14.75 -0.03 208.34 0.04 Manual
AM R461D Pg 13:48:14.78 -0.02 332.51 0.04 Manual
AM R60B1 Pg 13:48:14.86 0 251.16 0.05 Manual
AM REA56 Pg 13:48:14.90 0.01 202.87 0.05 Manual
AM R41D6 Pg 13:48:14.86 -0.06 191.87 0.05 Manual
AM RD699 Pg 13:48:15.33 0.12 220.71 0.08 Manual
FR STR Pg 13:48:15.55 0.18 203.56 0.09 Manual
AM R16CA Pg 13:48:15.89 0.32 279.39 0.1 Manual
AM RA08F Pg 13:48:15.76 0.17 198.16 0.1 Manual
FR ECK4 Pg 13:48:16.10 0.2 226.79 0.12 Manual
AM R7B4F Pg 13:48:16.17 -0.19 203.8 0.15 Manual
FO ILLK Pg 13:48:16.58 0 204.57 0.16 Manual
AM RA7C1 Pg 13:48:16.81 0.21 205.95 0.16 Manual
AM RC367 Pg 13:48:17.30 0.22 216.6 0.19 Manual
AM RF025 Pg 13:48:17.47 -0.15 260.83 0.22 Manual
AM RF025 Sg 13:48:20.95 0.39 260.83 0.22 Manual
FR HOHE Pg 13:48:17.51 -0.19 269.6 0.22 Manual
AM R7C76 Pg 13:48:18.16 0.18 234.17 0.24 Manual
AM R7C76 Sg 13:48:21.18 0.01 234.17 0.24 Manual
FO BETS Pg 13:48:18.35 0.22 16.98 0.24 Manual
LE BABA Pg 13:48:18.28 -0.07 76.73 0.26 Manual
LE BABA Sg 13:48:21.94 0.12 76.73 0.26 Manual
FO OPS Pg 13:48:18.61 0.09 9.53 0.26 Manual
FR SZBH Pg 13:48:18.74 0.05 6.45 0.27 Manual
AM R6780 Pg 13:48:18.65 -0.11 234.63 0.28 Manual
AM R6780 Sg 13:48:22.74 0.2 234.63 0.28 Manual
LE OPP Pg 13:48:18.89 -0.2 123.74 0.3 Manual
LE OPP Sg 13:48:22.99 -0.1 123.74 0.3 Manual
AM R52B5 Pg 13:48:19.47 -0.24 240.22 0.33 Manual
AM R52B5 Sg 13:48:24.14 -0.03 240.22 0.33 Manual
FR CIEL Pg 13:48:19.81 -0.21 300.03 0.35 Manual
FR CIEL Sg 13:48:24.56 -0.13 300.03 0.35 Manual
FR NEEW Pg 13:48:20.41 0.27 32.69 0.35 Manual
AM RAAE1 Pg 13:48:20.15 -0.2 225.47 0.36 Manual
AM RAAE1 Sg 13:48:25.15 -0.13 225.47 0.36 Manual
FR LEMB Pg 13:48:20.37 -0.2 354.21 0.38 Manual
FR LEMB Sg 13:48:25.58 -0.07 354.21 0.38 Manual
FR ZELS Pg 13:48:20.83 0.19 198.99 0.38 Manual
FR WLS Pg 13:48:20.66 -0.28 231.27 0.4 Manual
FR WLS Sg 13:48:26.16 -0.13 231.27 0.4 Manual