This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Quarry blast
Magnitude 1.6 MLv
Local datetime 2024/11/20 13:02
Universal datetime 2024/11/20 12:02
Latitude 46.00 ° ± 0.3 km
Longitude 4.56 ° ± 0.4 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Villefranche-sur-Saône  13 36857
Belleville-en-Beaujolais  18 12971
Tarare  15 10582
Dardilly  26 8600
Neuville-sur-Saône  26 7514
Gleizé  10 7472
Anse  13 7178
Trévoux  18 6845
Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or  28 6785
L'Arbresle  19 6398
Jassans-Riottier  16 6339
Thizy-les-Bourgs  19 6031
Lentilly  23 5793
Genay  24 5470
Vindry-sur-Turdine  13 5133

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.32
Azimuthal gap 95.02 °
Number of stations used 17
Number of phases used 24


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR OGGL Pg 12:02:28.71 0.01 164.76 0.13 Manual
FR OGRV Pg 12:02:32.84 -0.24 21.03 0.37 Manual
FR OGRV Sg 12:02:38.73 0.55 21.03 0.37 Manual
XP FR14B Pg 12:02:38.19 0.07 215.08 0.64 Manual
FR PLDF Pg 12:02:38.44 -0.03 266.91 0.66 Manual
G SSB Pg 12:02:39.68 -0.08 181.14 0.73 Manual
G SSB Sg 12:02:49.66 -0.19 181.14 0.73 Manual
FR COLF Pg 12:02:41.19 0.24 230.65 0.79 Manual
XP FR16A Pg 12:02:41.93 0.03 209.81 0.84 Manual
FR OGSM Pn 12:02:44.39 -0.38 116.05 0.89 Manual
FR AGO Pg 12:02:44.89 0.07 273.13 1 Manual
FR AGO Sg 12:02:58.91 0.22 273.13 1 Manual
XP FR01A Pg 12:02:45.47 0.42 340.58 1.01 Manual
MT GRA1 Pg 12:02:46.68 -0.01 118.75 1.1 Manual
XP FR21A Pg 12:02:46.97 -0.03 184.05 1.11 Manual
FR SGSF Pg 12:02:47.98 0.06 215.08 1.16 Manual
FR SGSF Sg 12:03:03.54 -0.57 215.08 1.16 Manual
FR LBL Pg 12:02:49.15 0.49 230.56 1.2 Manual
FR LBL Sg 12:03:04.91 -0.5 230.56 1.2 Manual
FR OGS3 Pg 12:02:50.44 0.39 136.48 1.28 Manual
FR HRSF Pn 12:02:51.3 -0.57 292.47 1.39 Manual
FR HRSF Sg 12:03:11.28 -0.18 292.47 1.39 Manual
FR VERF Pn 12:02:52.35 -0.39 260.81 1.47 Manual
FR VERF Sn 12:03:13.5 0.45 260.81 1.47 Manual