This event was automatically detected and need to be confirmed by one of our analysts.
Type Event
Magnitude 6.3 Mwp
Local datetime 2024/11/10 11:49
Universal datetime 2024/11/10 16:49
Latitude 19.75 ° ± 3 km
Longitude -77.11 ° ± 3 km
Depth 10 km (from location) ± 0.0 km

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Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Santiago de Cuba  138 555865
HolguĂ­n  153 319102
Las Tunas  134 203684
Bayamo  85 192632
Spanish Town  197 145018
Manzanillo  65 128188
Palma Soriano  127 102826
Montego Bay  166 82867
Banes  197 53104
Mandeville  195 47115
May Pen  198 44755
Port Antonio  192 14400
Port Maria  154 7906
Falmouth  152 7779
Lucea  184 6289

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 0 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status
RMS 1.99
Azimuthal gap 54.7 °
Number of stations used 35
Number of phases used 35


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
IU DWPF P 16:52:03.27 -2.62 335.53 9.24 Automatic
IU SJG P 16:52:23.24 -0.35 97.21 10.49 Automatic
IU TEIG P 16:52:21.39 -2.39 274.48 10.5 Automatic
II JTS P 16:52:46.82 1.61 219.78 12.12 Automatic
IU SDV P 16:52:47.84 -3.04 149.14 12.54 Automatic
IU BBSR P 16:53:44.89 -3.22 38.88 16.81 Automatic
IU WVT P 16:54:10.97 -2.02 332.34 18.89 Automatic
IU HKT P 16:54:22.52 -0.83 304.71 19.78 Automatic
IU WCI P 16:54:25.64 -0.76 338.62 20.12 Automatic
IU SSPA P 16:54:33.99 -0.64 358.34 20.89 Automatic
IU CCM P 16:54:44.67 -2.53 329.16 22.03 Automatic
IU HRV P 16:54:59.32 -0.23 10.41 23.23 Automatic
IU ANMO P 16:56:02.77 0.89 306.53 30 Automatic
IU SAML P 16:56:14.12 -2.39 153.19 31.81 Automatic
IU TUC P 16:56:25.89 1.1 299.52 32.59 Automatic
IU RSSD P 16:56:29.82 1 323.47 33.11 Automatic
II FFC P 16:57:25.42 0.3 337.67 39.73 Automatic
IU RCBR P 16:58:29.92 -1.28 118 47.93 Automatic
IU SFJD P 16:58:50.27 1.86 13.11 50.19 Automatic
IU TRQA P 16:59:55.39 1.02 166.21 59.53 Automatic
II ALE P 17:00:18.77 -1.28 2.14 63.01 Automatic
IU COLA P 17:00:28.9 0.95 333.52 64.04 Automatic
IU PAB P 17:00:28.69 -2.03 54.67 64.51 Automatic
II ESK P 17:00:33.39 1.33 37.19 64.76 Automatic
IU KONO P 17:01:16.44 2.56 32.16 71.4 Automatic
II BFO P 17:01:18.22 -1.93 44.04 72.41 Automatic
IU KEV P 17:01:44.87 2.57 20.21 76.25 Automatic
II LVZ P 17:02:02.72 2.13 20.82 79.52 Automatic
IU BILL P 17:02:10.89 2.48 340.2 80.97 Automatic
IU KIEV P 17:02:27.97 0.42 37.63 84.61 Automatic
II OBN P 17:02:37.49 0.6 31.65 86.5 Automatic
IU TIXI P 17:02:35.77 -2.91 352.06 86.89 Automatic
IU ANTO P 17:03:04.57 3.07 46.22 91.68 Automatic
IU YAK P 17:03:22.2 3.17 347.74 95.48 Automatic
II KIV P 17:03:24.7 3.39 38.9 95.86 Automatic