This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 2.2 MLv
Local datetime 2024/07/27 07:31
Universal datetime 2024/07/27 05:31
Latitude 48.63 ° ± 0.2 km
Longitude -2.31 ° ± 0.2 km
Depth 8 km (from location) ± 0.3 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Saint-Malo  24 46097
Saint-Brieuc  36 44372
Lamballe-Armor  23 16578
Dinan  28 14166
Plérin  35 14062
Ploufragan  40 11546
Dinard  18 10027
Trégueux  36 8432
Langueux  33 7692
Pordic  39 7167
Binic-Étables-sur-Mer  39 7068
Pleurtuit  19 6806
Plédran  38 6666
Cancale  33 5121
Yffiniac  33 5010

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.34
Azimuthal gap 56.56 °
Number of stations used 19
Number of phases used 38


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR PLEF Pg 05:31:42.14 0.06 187.1 0.13 Manual
FR PLEF Sg 05:31:44.7 -0.07 187.1 0.13 Manual
GB JSA Pg 05:31:50.8 0.16 9.08 0.57 Manual
GB JSA Sg 05:31:57.71 0.05 9.08 0.57 Manual
RD ROSF Pg 05:31:52.33 -0.14 245.96 0.71 Manual
RD ROSF Sg 05:32:01.56 -0.5 245.96 0.71 Manual
FR GUEF Pg 05:31:53.59 -0.1 196.5 0.77 Manual
FR BESN Pg 05:31:55.50 -0.14 31.17 0.88 Manual
FR BESN Sg 05:32:06.90 -0.64 31.17 0.88 Manual
FR SROF Pg 05:31:55.85 -0.16 61.73 0.9 Manual
FR SROF Sg 05:32:08.29 0.12 61.73 0.9 Manual
FR LOCF Pg 05:31:56.5 -0.14 273.77 0.91 Manual
FR LOCF Sg 05:32:07.92 -0.58 273.77 0.91 Manual
FR BEGF Pg 05:31:58.13 -0.07 178.22 1.01 Manual
FR MTNF Pg 05:31:58.37 -0.24 109.5 1.04 Manual
FR PLOF Pn 05:32:00.25 -0.17 220.82 1.16 Manual
FR PLOF Pg 05:32:01.7 0.22 220.82 1.16 Manual
FR PLOF Sg 05:32:15.82 -0.75 220.82 1.16 Manual
FR RIAF Pn 05:32:02.35 -0.06 148.87 1.3 Manual
FR RIAF Pg 05:32:03.18 -0.31 148.87 1.3 Manual
FR OLIV Pn 05:32:03.78 -0.12 240.79 1.41 Manual
FR OLIV Pg 05:32:05.59 0.22 240.79 1.41 Manual
FR OLIV Sg 05:32:24.94 0.11 240.79 1.41 Manual
FR BIMF Pn 05:32:03.74 -0.41 205.09 1.43 Manual
FR BIMF Pg 05:32:05.96 0.27 205.09 1.43 Manual
FR BIMF Sn 05:32:23.76 -0.32 205.09 1.43 Manual
FR BOUF Pn 05:32:05.30 -0.25 162.66 1.54 Manual
FR BOUF Pg 05:32:07.2 -0.41 162.66 1.54 Manual
FR BOUF Sn 05:32:26.78 0.12 162.66 1.54 Manual
FR SOMF Pg 05:32:09.8 0.46 100.93 1.61 Manual
FR SOMF Sn 05:32:28.92 0.5 100.93 1.61 Manual
FR DAUF Pn 05:32:07.15 0.35 125.72 1.63 Manual
FR DAUF Pg 05:32:08.72 -0.28 125.72 1.63 Manual
FR DAUF Sn 05:32:29.66 0.67 125.72 1.63 Manual
FR CRNF Pg 05:32:12.83 -0.17 142.6 1.86 Manual
FR CRNF Sn 05:32:35.60 0.68 142.6 1.86 Manual
FR GOTF Pg 05:32:16.53 0.38 77.89 2.05 Manual
GB DYA Pn 05:32:13.24 0.1 330.32 2.1 Manual