This event was automatically detected and need to be confirmed by one of our analysts.
Type Event
Magnitude 5.6 mb
Local datetime 2023/09/29 01:40
Universal datetime 2023/09/28 14:40
Latitude -15.57 ° ± 4 km
Longitude 167.58 ° ± 3 km
Depth 148 km (from location) ± 7 km

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Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Nouméa  750 93060
Suva  1191 77366
Honiara  1071 56298
Bundaberg  1894 52472
Nandi  1077 42284
Arawa  1670 40266
Caloundra  1946 38706
Port Vila  252 35901
Gladstone  1940 30489
Labasa  1266 24187
Nukualofa  1918 22400
Maryborough  1901 20678
Luganville  44 13397
Gympie  1944 11027
Gizo  1433 6154

Past seismicity

  This map shows the most significant earthquake around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status
RMS 1.37
Azimuthal gap 44.19 °
Number of stations used 39
Number of phases used 39


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
IU HNR P 14:42:44.94 -0.17 308.55 9.65 Automatic
II MSVF P 14:42:53.79 0.27 103.71 10.26 Automatic
IU FUNA P 14:43:31.62 -2.01 59.51 13.36 Automatic
IU RAO P 14:44:44.64 3.64 138.17 19.1 Automatic
IU CTAO P 14:45:00.32 0.67 254.3 20.78 Automatic
IU RAR P 14:46:37.39 -0.14 105.33 31.43 Automatic
IU MBWA P 14:48:35.99 0.29 255.43 45.6 Automatic
II KAPI P 14:48:56.62 1.48 277.35 48.11 Automatic
IU NWAO P 14:48:57.82 -0.66 239.55 48.56 Automatic
IU KIP P 14:49:08.32 -0.29 43.31 50.07 Automatic
IU POHA P 14:49:12.94 0.01 46.95 50.62 Automatic
G DRV P 14:49:37.85 -1.88 193.07 54.22 Automatic
IU MAJO P 14:50:11.64 -0.99 332.64 59.03 Automatic
IU TATO P 14:50:23.67 0.09 311.39 60.51 Automatic
IU SBA P 14:50:35.24 -0.66 180.2 62.28 Automatic
IU CASY P 14:50:38.67 -1.16 202.3 62.84 Automatic
G CCD P 14:50:46.90 -1.18 191.51 64.11 Automatic
IU INCN P 14:50:56.92 0.62 325.15 65.54 Automatic
IU YSS P 14:51:01.60 0.45 341.78 66.39 Automatic
IU ADK P 14:51:18.4 1.7 10.34 68.83 Automatic
IU PET P 14:51:17.82 0.3 354.26 69.02 Automatic
IU QSPA P 14:51:50.17 -1.34 180.03 74.36 Automatic
IU CHTO P 14:51:59.92 0.28 294.58 75.78 Automatic
IU MA2 P 14:52:00.92 -0.18 351.33 76.38 Automatic
II KDAK P 14:52:25.4 1.76 20.27 80.37 Automatic
G PAF P 14:52:39.90 0.96 220.62 82.93 Automatic
IU YAK P 14:52:36.67 -1.1 343.13 83.14 Automatic
IU ULN P 14:52:38.42 -0.05 323.97 83.17 Automatic
IU BILL P 14:52:38.74 -1.4 359.58 83.64 Automatic
II TLY P 14:52:56.97 -0.68 326.1 87.03 Automatic
IU COLA P 14:52:55.59 -2.54 17.35 87.22 Automatic
II PFO P 14:53:00.34 0.39 53.98 87.36 Automatic
IU PMSA P 14:53:15.67 -0.76 160.48 90.69 Automatic
IU TIXI P 14:53:14.84 -1.08 348.63 91.03 Automatic
IU TUC P 14:53:18.92 -0.18 56.77 91.43 Automatic
IU ANMO P 14:53:41.7 2.79 55.25 95.63 Automatic
IU MAKZ P 14:53:49.52 -0.56 316.39 98.35 Automatic
II KURK P 14:54:02.84 -0.55 319.78 101.35 Automatic
II AAK P 14:54:13.37 3.85 311.15 102.71 Automatic