This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude -0.7 MLv
Local datetime 2023/06/17 19:01
Universal datetime 2023/06/17 17:01
Latitude 46.21 ° ± 0.2 km
Longitude -0.73 ° ± 0.1 km
Depth 3 km (from location) ± 0.4 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
La Rochelle  34 75735
Niort  25 58707
Fontenay-le-Comte  28 13226
Aytré  30 8725
Périgny  28 8428
Tonnay-Charente  29 8010
Lagord  32 7048
Chauray  32 7006
Saint-Jean-d'Angély  34 6976
Surgères  11 6807
Puilboreau  29 6182
Châtelaillon-Plage  31 5846
Nieul-sur-Mer  33 5759
Aiffres  26 5506
Dompierre-sur-Mer  26 5482

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.09
Azimuthal gap 165.61 °
Number of stations used 7
Number of phases used 10


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
Z4 LC07 Pg 17:01:34.44 0 148.68 0.02 Manual
Z4 LC07 Sg 17:01:35.6 0.04 148.68 0.02 Manual
Z4 LC06 Pg 17:01:34.74 0 222.98 0.04 Manual
Z4 LC04 Pg 17:01:34.80 -0.04 49.7 0.05 Manual
Z4 LC08 Sg 17:01:35.57 -0.18 180.19 0.05 Manual
Z4 LC13 Pg 17:01:35.36 0.08 28.59 0.08 Manual
Z4 LC11 Pg 17:01:35.38 0 67.71 0.09 Manual
Z4 LC11 Sg 17:01:36.60 0 67.71 0.09 Manual
Z4 LC12 Pg 17:01:35.54 0.11 31.23 0.09 Manual
Z4 LC12 Sg 17:01:36.84 0.15 31.23 0.09 Manual