This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Quarry blast
Magnitude 1.8 MLv
Local datetime 2022/11/29 12:11
Universal datetime 2022/11/29 11:11
Latitude 47.33 ° ± 4 km
Longitude -1.16 ° ± 7 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Beaupréau-en-Mauges  21 23228
Carquefou  24 19805
Mauges-sur-Loire  17 18284
Orée d'Anjou  4 16413
Montrevault-sur-Èvre  11 15859
Ancenis-Saint-Géréon  7 10802
Thouaré-sur-Loire  22 10025
Vallet  19 9015
Le Loroux-Bottereau  17 8227
Loireauxence  16 7522
Saint-Julien-de-Concelles  21 6917
Divatte-sur-Loire  14 6844
Vallons-de-l'Erdre  24 6556
Haute-Goulaine  24 5764
Ligné  19 5174

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.25
Azimuthal gap 138.17 °
Number of stations used 5
Number of phases used 8


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR RIAF Pg 11:11:51.84 -0.24 329.46 0.21 Manual
FR RIAF Sg 11:11:55.4 0.24 329.46 0.21 Manual
FR DAUF Pg 11:11:59.99 -0.11 58.06 0.64 Manual
FR LGIF Pg 11:12:04.80 0.13 191.29 0.88 Manual
FR MTNF Pg 11:12:06.59 0.33 12.29 0.97 Manual
FR MTNF Sg 11:12:19.62 0.24 12.29 0.97 Manual
FR LOUF Pg 11:12:12.98 -0.44 356.33 1.36 Manual
FR LOUF Sg 11:12:31.62 -0.14 356.33 1.36 Manual