This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 2.7 MLv
Local datetime 2022/08/12 02:45
Universal datetime 2022/08/12 00:45
Latitude 42.42 ° ± 0.2 km
Longitude 9.70 ° ± 0.7 km
Depth 19 km (from location) ± 0.3 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Florence  197 371517
Livorno  135 156274
Pisa  155 89694
Ajaccio  99 70659
Siena  167 52625
Civitavecchia  177 50032
Bastia  37 45715
Olbia  168 45366
Porto-Vecchio  99 12042
Borgo  27 8760
Biguglia  31 7923
Corte  54 7446
Lucciana  23 5780
Furiani  35 5628
Calvi  79 5559

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.22
Azimuthal gap 248.94 °
Number of stations used 4
Number of phases used 7


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR SMPL Pg 00:45:30.70 0.02 223.88 0.45 Manual
FR SMPL Sg 00:45:36.86 -0.04 223.88 0.45 Manual
RD PGF Pg 00:45:32.9 -0.25 283 0.54 Manual
RD PGF Sg 00:45:39.25 -0.43 283 0.54 Manual
FR MORSI Pg 00:45:33.12 -0.05 334.94 0.59 Manual
FR MORSI Sg 00:45:41.39 0.29 334.94 0.59 Manual
FR AJAC Pg 00:45:37.73 0.01 235.22 0.85 Manual