This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Explosion
Magnitude 3 MLv
Local datetime 2022/06/27 17:55
Universal datetime 2022/06/27 15:55
Latitude 49.94 ° ± 5 km
Longitude 0.56 ° ± 4 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Le Havre  57 170147
Dieppe  38 29080
Fécamp  23 18641
Montivilliers  51 15612
Yvetot  38 11859
Barentin  52 11822
Bolbec  40 11417
Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine  48 10030
Petit-Caux  50 9553
Gonfreville-l'Orcher  56 9057
Lillebonne  48 8894
Harfleur  54 8449
Pavilly  49 6308
Malaunay  58 6110
Octeville-sur-Mer  52 5918

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.44
Azimuthal gap 127.65 °
Number of stations used 44
Number of phases used 45


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR VALM Pg 15:55:06.28 -0.09 187.62 0.19 Manual
FR VALM Sg 15:55:09.36 0.5 187.62 0.19 Manual
FR MERIC Pg 15:55:19.44 -0.16 91.83 0.9 Manual
GB ELSH Pn 15:55:26.15 -0.13 16.76 1.27 Manual
FR SROF Pg 15:55:28.46 -0.5 231.24 1.4 Manual
FR CLEV Pg 15:55:29.91 -0.67 158.19 1.49 Manual
FR BESN Pn 15:55:30.24 0.58 249.11 1.52 Manual
FR LOUF Pn 15:55:32.92 0.2 224.42 1.74 Manual
FR MTNF Pn 15:55:34.69 -0.18 209.48 1.9 Manual
FR TSDF Pn 15:55:39.21 0.44 181.74 2.19 Manual
FR DAUF Pn 15:55:40.76 -0.25 195.11 2.35 Manual
FR PLEF Pn 15:55:41.100 0.63 233.8 2.38 Manual
FR GIZF Pn 15:55:43.93 0.39 185.49 2.54 Manual
FR RIAF Pn 15:55:45.92 -0.15 207.69 2.73 Manual
FR SRNF Pn 15:55:47.16 0.37 156.23 2.78 Manual
FR CRNF Pn 15:55:48.34 -0.28 196.4 2.91 Manual
FR GUEF Pn 15:55:48.98 0.07 226.96 2.94 Manual
FR BEGF Pn 15:55:49.52 0.05 219.8 2.98 Manual
FR LOCF Pn 15:55:50.38 0.08 247.17 3.04 Manual
FR BOUF Pn 15:55:51.56 -0.05 208.52 3.14 Manual
FR BSCF Pn 15:55:52.4 0.29 174.65 3.15 Manual
FR PLOF Pn 15:55:55.64 0.12 231.74 3.42 Manual
FR GARF Pn 15:55:56.18 -0.26 168.17 3.49 Manual
FR BIMF Pn 15:55:57.74 -0.29 225.09 3.61 Manual
FR HRSF Pn 15:55:59.73 0.37 156.43 3.71 Manual
FR GNEF Pn 15:56:00.32 -0.8 182.36 3.84 Manual
FR GZNF Pn 15:56:01.77 -0.52 163.04 3.92 Manual
FR CHLF Pn 15:56:04.18 0.43 145.72 4.03 Manual
FR BRGF Pn 15:56:04.29 0.09 167.95 4.06 Manual
FR AGO Pn 15:56:07.9 0.29 155.05 4.26 Manual
FR ABJF Pn 15:56:07.52 -0.79 178.1 4.37 Manual
FR VERF Pn 15:56:07.68 -0.89 162.06 4.39 Manual
FR PLDF Pn 15:56:09.93 0.15 151.43 4.48 Manual
FR FRNF Pn 15:56:12.73 -0.79 162.66 4.75 Manual
FR COLF Pn 15:56:16.32 0.55 153.31 4.92 Manual
FR LBL Pn 15:56:17.83 0.31 157.84 5.05 Manual
FR SGSF Pn 15:56:21.70 0.56 155.85 5.31 Manual
G SSB Pn 15:56:22.66 0.58 148.44 5.38 Manual
FR RUFF Pn 15:56:24.33 -0.28 183.95 5.57 Manual
FR SLVF Pn 15:56:28.4 -0.42 168.57 5.85 Manual
FR IRAF Pn 15:56:43.18 -0.74 189.64 6.99 Manual
FR SALF Pn 15:56:46.100 0.34 176.27 7.19 Manual
ES ECHI Pn 15:56:47.64 -0.17 182.1 7.28 Manual
CA CSOR Pn 15:56:52.58 0.75 176.75 7.57 Manual
CA CBEU Pn 15:56:55.48 0.29 168.36 7.82 Manual