This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 1.2 MLv
Local datetime 2022/01/15 03:36
Universal datetime 2022/01/15 02:36
Latitude 46.68 ° ± 0.1 km
Longitude 5.97 ° ± 0.1 km
Depth 8 km (from location) ± 0.2 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Thonon-les-Bains  52 34756
Oyonnax  52 22427
Lons-le-Saunier  32 17291
Pontarlier  41 17197
Gex  37 13118
Saint-Genis-Pouilly  47 12544
Ferney-Voltaire  48 9766
Divonne-les-Bains  35 9644
Saint-Claude  31 9279
Prévessin-Moëns  47 8233
Champagnole  9 7958
Thoiry  48 6038
Sciez  50 6033
Douvaine  48 5948
Hauts de Bienne  18 5350

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.38
Azimuthal gap 96.44 °
Number of stations used 14
Number of phases used 23


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR RIVEL Pg 02:36:32.35 -0.4 337.16 0.09 Manual
FR RIVEL Sg 02:36:33.83 -0.53 337.16 0.09 Manual
CH BRANT Pg 02:36:38.99 0.14 52.56 0.43 Manual
CH BRANT Sg 02:36:45.56 0.8 52.56 0.43 Manual
FR FOURG Pg 02:36:38.89 -0.16 345.46 0.44 Manual
FR FOURG Sg 02:36:45.51 0.43 345.46 0.44 Manual
FR OG02 Pg 02:36:41.17 0.1 161.78 0.55 Manual
FR BOUC Pg 02:36:41.94 -0.1 18.68 0.6 Manual
FR BOUC Sg 02:36:50.65 0.47 18.68 0.6 Manual
FR OG35 Pg 02:36:43.95 0.24 203.88 0.69 Manual
FR OGMY Pg 02:36:45.18 -0.53 184.19 0.8 Manual
FR OGMY Sg 02:36:56.82 0.41 184.19 0.8 Manual
FR FAHY Pg 02:36:47.93 0.33 337.4 0.9 Manual
FR OGRV Pg 02:36:48.15 0.43 249 0.91 Manual
FR OGSM Pg 02:36:51.9 0.01 190.27 1.08 Manual
FR OGSM Sg 02:37:06.19 0.64 190.27 1.08 Manual
FR RONF Pg 02:36:52.1 0.05 23.72 1.13 Manual
FR RONF Sg 02:37:06.70 -0.34 23.72 1.13 Manual
FR OGCY Pn 02:36:55.24 -0.04 156.6 1.31 Manual
CH BALST Pg 02:36:56.1 -0.04 60.15 1.35 Manual
CH BALST Sg 02:37:14.12 0.11 60.15 1.35 Manual
FR CHLF Pn 02:36:57.8 -0.44 266.14 1.47 Manual
FR CHLF Sn 02:37:16.95 0.49 266.14 1.47 Manual