This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Quarry blast
Magnitude 1.1 MLv
Local datetime 2021/10/12 14:52
Universal datetime 2021/10/12 12:52
Latitude 43.05 ° ± 3 km
Longitude -0.05 ° ± 4 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Pau  39 77130
Tarbes  23 41518
Lourdes  7 13389
Lons  41 13374
Billère  40 12804
Saint-Gaudens  64 11517
Oloron-Sainte-Marie  45 10684
Lescar  44 9804
Aureilhan  26 7745
Bagnères-de-Bigorre  17 7253
Jurançon  38 7094
Mourenx  58 6485
Lannemezan  37 5837
Gan  34 5510
Bordères-sur-l'Échez  25 5227

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.25
Azimuthal gap 133.26 °
Number of stations used 5
Number of phases used 9


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR PYLO Pg 12:52:05.94 -0.18 3.47 0.05 Manual
FR PYLO Sg 12:52:07.16 0.32 3.47 0.05 Manual
FR VIEF Pg 12:52:08.64 -0.08 161.48 0.18 Manual
FR VIEF Sg 12:52:11.62 0.23 161.48 0.18 Manual
LC CANF Pg 12:52:13.65 -0.2 230.21 0.45 Manual
LC CANF Sg 12:52:20.58 0.19 230.21 0.45 Manual
FR MELF Pg 12:52:16.81 -0.25 106.36 0.62 Manual
FR MELF Sg 12:52:26.32 0.31 106.36 0.62 Manual
FR SALF Pg 12:52:22.81 -0.35 107.24 0.96 Manual