This event was automatically detected and need to be confirmed by one of our analysts.
Type Event
Magnitude 5.2 mb
Local datetime 2021/08/15 01:41
Universal datetime 2021/08/14 18:41
Latitude -4.53 ° ± 6 km
Longitude 103.11 ° ± 9 km
Depth 10 km (from location) ± 0.0 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Jakarta  451 8.540121e+06
Bekasi  467 1.520119e+06
Palembang  251 1.4415e+06
Padang  499 840352
Bandar Lampung  260 800348
Bogor  462 800000
Jambi  330 420323
Bengkulu  123 309712
Sukabumi  496 276414
Serang  380 164767
Pangkalpinang  434 125933
Perabumulih  174 103470
Sungaipenuh  333 95913
Lahat  94 65906
Kotabumi  202 42366

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 0 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status
RMS 1.08
Azimuthal gap 106.6 °
Number of stations used 10
Number of phases used 10


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
II COCO P 18:43:36.32 0.55 218.6 9.85 Automatic
IU CHTO P 18:46:25.2 -0.2 350.16 23.7 Automatic
II WRAB P 18:47:58.84 -0.37 119.54 34.1 Automatic
IU ULN P 18:50:27.27 1.31 3.34 52.51 Automatic
II AAK P 18:50:37.17 1.11 334.12 53.82 Automatic
IU MAKZ P 18:50:40.72 -1.01 342.39 54.63 Automatic
II TLY P 18:50:54.62 1.67 0.4 56.21 Automatic
II KURK P 18:51:12.39 -1.25 342.2 59.12 Automatic
IU YAK P 18:52:22.47 -0.12 12.93 69.61 Automatic
IU KIEV P 18:53:40.17 -1.69 322.23 83.45 Automatic