This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 5 MLv
Local datetime 2021/03/26 09:19
Universal datetime 2021/03/26 13:19
Latitude 16.74 ° ± 2 km
Longitude -60.69 ° ± 2 km
Depth 12 km (from location) ± 4 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Les Abymes  101 53491
Baie-Mahault  110 30929
Le Gosier  101 26783
Petit-Bourg  121 24277
Sainte-Anne  92 23675
Le Moule  86 22150
Sainte-Rose  120 19162
Morne-à-l'Eau  95 17434
Lamentin  118 16573
Pointe-à-Pitre  106 15923
Saint-François  81 12816
Petit-Canal  90 8220
Goyave  120 7555
Port-Louis  93 5704
Grand-Bourg  112 5012

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status confirmed
RMS 0.26
Azimuthal gap 232.52 °
Number of stations used 23
Number of phases used 35


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
WI DSD P 13:19:48.48 0.39 220.5 0.55 Manual
WI ABD P 13:19:52.61 0.41 251.14 0.81 Manual
WI MAGL P 13:19:54.65 -0.11 215.98 0.97 Manual
WI MAGL S 13:20:08.36 0.08 215.98 0.97 Manual
RA GBGA P 13:19:55.78 -0.09 215.35 1.04 Manual
RA GBGA S 13:20:11.6 0.8 215.35 1.04 Manual
WI CBE P 13:19:57.22 0.22 233.04 1.11 Manual
WI CBE S 13:20:12.80 0.56 233.04 1.11 Manual
WI DHS P 13:19:57.78 0.36 245.92 1.13 Manual
GL STG P 13:19:58.11 0.22 235.83 1.15 Manual
GL CAG P 13:19:58.4 0.05 233.96 1.15 Manual
GL CAG S 13:20:13.94 -0.06 233.96 1.15 Manual
GL ECG P 13:19:57.93 -0.11 233.3 1.16 Manual
GL ECG S 13:20:14.44 0.36 233.3 1.16 Manual
GL LKG P 13:19:57.95 -0.12 233.53 1.16 Manual
GL AMC P 13:19:57.96 -0.1 233.84 1.16 Manual
GL AMC S 13:20:13.88 -0.24 233.84 1.16 Manual
GL CDE P 13:19:57.92 -0.13 233.42 1.16 Manual
GL MML P 13:19:57.93 -0.16 233.81 1.16 Manual
GL MML S 13:20:14.5 -0.13 233.81 1.16 Manual
GL TAG P 13:19:58.20 0.06 233.57 1.17 Manual
GL TAG S 13:20:14.51 0.26 233.57 1.17 Manual
GL FNG P 13:19:58.8 -0.11 234.94 1.17 Manual
GL FNG S 13:20:14.38 0.06 234.94 1.17 Manual
GL MOG P 13:19:58.38 -0.04 235.6 1.19 Manual
GL MOG S 13:20:14.56 -0.19 235.6 1.19 Manual
WI TDBA P 13:19:59.75 0.36 226.03 1.26 Manual
GL TBG P 13:19:59.75 0.24 226.23 1.27 Manual
CU ANWB P 13:20:01.46 0.12 311.52 1.4 Manual
WI DSLB P 13:20:02.9 -0.33 208.57 1.47 Manual
TR DLPL P 13:20:02.28 -0.42 200.98 1.49 Manual
WI BIM P 13:20:13.37 0.31 189.33 2.23 Manual
WI BIM S 13:20:40.47 -0.06 189.33 2.23 Manual
WI MPOM P 13:20:14.11 0.5 184.04 2.28 Manual
WI MPOM S 13:20:42.35 0.85 184.04 2.28 Manual