This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Explosion
Magnitude 2.9 MLv
Local datetime 2022/01/25 11:17
Universal datetime 2022/01/25 10:17
Latitude 50.64 ° ± 4 km
Longitude 1.37 ° ± 3 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Calais  50 73911
Boulogne-sur-Mer  20 40874
Dover  56 28156
Berck  29 14189
Outreau  17 13422
Saint-Martin-Boulogne  22 11204
Étaples  24 10865
Marck  54 10676
Le Portel  17 9240
Wimereux  24 6575
Guînes  43 5626
Coulogne  48 5372
Cucq  24 5121
Marquise  31 5088
Saint-Étienne-au-Mont  17 5076

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.61
Azimuthal gap 98.26 °
Number of stations used 10
Number of phases used 18


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
GB ELSH P 10:18:06.54 -0.8 344.26 0.53 Manual
FR HELF P 10:18:07.53 -0.34 82.52 0.56 Manual
FR HELF S 10:18:16.23 0.81 82.52 0.56 Manual
FR VALM P 10:18:16.28 -0.61 211.81 1.05 Manual
FR VALM S 10:18:32.5 1 211.81 1.05 Manual
FR HARD P 10:18:22.20 -0.22 164.13 1.38 Manual
FR HARD S 10:18:41.21 -0.68 164.13 1.38 Manual
FR BARI P 10:18:26.68 0.67 129.76 1.65 Manual
FR BARI S 10:18:48.59 -0.35 129.76 1.65 Manual
BE SKQ P 10:18:27.34 0.26 88.49 1.73 Manual
FR DOU P 10:18:32.47 -0.17 103.4 2.14 Manual
FR DOU S 10:19:01.9 -0.14 103.4 2.14 Manual
GB SWN1 P 10:18:33.22 -0.04 294.98 2.18 Manual
FR VILS P 10:18:36.4 0.89 129.68 2.32 Manual
FR VILS Pg 10:18:40.28 0.94 129.68 2.32 Manual
FR VILS S 10:19:04.93 -0.94 129.68 2.32 Manual
FR VILS Sg 10:19:11.10 -0.39 129.68 2.32 Manual
BE RCHB P 10:18:37.90 0.1 99.52 2.52 Manual