This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Explosion
Magnitude 2.4 MLv
Local datetime 2022/01/16 14:14
Universal datetime 2022/01/16 13:14
Latitude 43.00 ° ± 6 km
Longitude 6.32 ° ± 3 km
Depth 0 km (operator assigned) ± 0.0 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Hyères  16 55588
La Garde  28 25126
La Valette-du-Var  32 23884
La Crau  26 18288
Cogolin  32 11736
Solliès-Pont  30 11149
La Londe-les-Maures  20 10297
Le Pradet  26 10249
Carqueiranne  23 9700
La Farlède  29 9083
Bormes-les-Mimosas  18 8102
Cavalaire-sur-Mer  26 7385
Pierrefeu-du-Var  28 6045
Le Lavandou  20 5985
Saint-Mandrier-sur-Mer  33 5862

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.49
Azimuthal gap 213.85 °
Number of stations used 40
Number of phases used 42


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
FR MIGAL Pg 13:14:42.77 0.48 290.89 0.22 Manual
RD FLAF Pg 13:14:45.30 -0.05 352.96 0.39 Manual
FR ARTF Pg 13:14:51.19 -0.01 327.68 0.7 Manual
FR TRIGF Pg 13:14:51.99 -0.2 4.86 0.75 Manual
FR CALF Pg 13:14:54.54 0.06 30.04 0.87 Manual
FR SALSA Pg 13:14:55.95 0.55 16.84 0.92 Manual
FR BSTF Pg 13:14:55.52 -0.25 328.61 0.94 Manual
FR BLAF Pg 13:14:56.20 -0.16 348.22 0.97 Manual
FR NOCA Pg 13:14:58.17 0.92 44.21 1.02 Manual
FR MLYF Pg 13:14:58.22 0.08 338.05 1.07 Manual
FR MVIF Pg 13:14:59.6 0.63 33.83 1.08 Manual
FR MON Pg 13:14:59.32 0.79 47.44 1.09 Manual
FR OGDI Pg 13:14:59.35 0.37 356.49 1.11 Manual
FR RUSF Pg 13:14:59.68 0.53 327.39 1.12 Manual
FR ESCA Pg 13:14:59.85 0.49 42.41 1.13 Manual
FR ENAUX Pg 13:14:59.59 -0.27 16.54 1.16 Manual
GU BURY Pg 13:15:00.14 -0.39 48.63 1.19 Manual
FR TURF Pg 13:15:01.77 0.22 38.31 1.25 Manual
FR SAUF Pn 13:15:02.69 -0.42 317.12 1.29 Manual
FR ISO Pn 13:15:02.40 -0.83 23.89 1.3 Manual
FR SAOF Pn 13:15:02.93 -0.82 41.89 1.33 Manual
FR OGLC Pn 13:15:04.6 -0.34 352.67 1.38 Manual
FR PIAF Pn 13:15:05.24 -0.27 39.76 1.46 Manual
FR SURF Pn 13:15:06.54 0.18 13.37 1.52 Manual
FR CREF Pg 13:15:07.52 0.04 7.94 1.56 Manual
GU PZZ Pg 13:15:08.10 -0.29 20.68 1.61 Manual
GU GBOS Pn 13:15:07.88 -0.38 41.13 1.66 Manual
FR OGCE Pg 13:15:10.0 -0.15 10.9 1.71 Manual
FR OGAG Pg 13:15:11.54 -0.26 5.01 1.79 Manual
FR OGDF Pn 13:15:09.95 -0.24 330.23 1.8 Manual
FR OGDF Pg 13:15:12.60 0.68 330.23 1.8 Manual
FR OGJA Pn 13:15:12.24 0.25 8.25 1.93 Manual
FR REST Pn 13:15:11.39 -0.61 292.57 1.93 Manual
GU BHB Pn 13:15:12.4 -0.31 20.06 1.96 Manual
GU BHB Pg 13:15:14.18 -0.54 20.06 1.96 Manual
FR OGCB Pg 13:15:17.14 0.86 334.88 2.05 Manual
FR SGSF Pn 13:15:23.59 -0.77 317.34 2.83 Manual
FR LEUC Pn 13:15:29.29 -0.81 304.17 3.24 Manual
FR GENF Pn 13:15:33.14 -0.42 268.72 3.49 Manual
CA CEST Pn 13:15:37.56 0.45 265.58 3.75 Manual
CA CSOR Pn 13:15:39.12 0.28 262.48 3.87 Manual
CA CTRE Pn 13:15:43.53 0.92 262.49 4.15 Manual