This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 1.2 MLv
Local datetime 2021/12/29 09:48
Universal datetime 2021/12/29 08:48
Latitude 47.78 ° ± 0.1 km
Longitude 7.69 ° ± 0.1 km
Depth 19 km (from location) ± 0.2 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Freiburg  28 215966
Basel  23 164488
Mulhouse  27 109443
Saint-Louis  23 21177
Illzach  25 14691
Wittenheim  28 14317
Rixheim  21 13902
Kingersheim  28 13055
Riedisheim  25 12645
Pfastatt  30 9579
Brunstatt-Didenheim  29 8012
Ensisheim  25 7508
Huningue  23 7238
Sausheim  22 5501
Kembs  18 5257

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status preliminary
RMS 0.35
Azimuthal gap 53.89 °
Number of stations used 13
Number of phases used 21


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
LE ENDD Pg 08:49:02.14 -0.09 153.19 0.07 Manual
LE ENDD Sg 08:49:04.48 -0.33 153.19 0.07 Manual
LE KIZ Pg 08:49:04.16 0.04 40.83 0.24 Manual
LE KIZ Sg 08:49:07.68 -0.37 40.83 0.24 Manual
FR ILLF Sg 08:49:10.23 0.21 252.24 0.31 Manual
FR WALT Sg 08:49:11.15 0.37 304.19 0.34 Manual
CH SULZ Pg 08:49:06.65 0.19 131.15 0.38 Manual
CH SULZ Sg 08:49:11.99 -0.1 131.15 0.38 Manual
CH BALST Pg 08:49:07.79 0.26 179.48 0.44 Manual
CH BALST Sg 08:49:13.99 0.04 179.48 0.44 Manual
CH SLE Pg 08:49:09.24 -0.04 91.16 0.54 Manual
CH SLE Sg 08:49:16.71 -0.25 91.16 0.54 Manual
FR ECH Pg 08:49:10.1 0.32 321.11 0.56 Manual
FR ECH Sg 08:49:17.54 -0.12 321.11 0.56 Manual
FR WLS Sg 08:49:21.9 0.06 340.62 0.67 Manual
GR BFO Pg 08:49:12.5 0.04 37.65 0.7 Manual
GR BFO Sg 08:49:21.11 -0.74 37.65 0.7 Manual
FR CHMF Pg 08:49:14.57 -0.51 233.37 0.88 Manual
FR CHMF Sg 08:49:27.83 0.4 233.37 0.88 Manual
LE BABA Sg 08:49:30.33 -0.7 19.47 1 Manual
LE GUT Sg 08:49:30.55 -0.57 72.53 1 Manual