This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Earthquake
Magnitude 0.7 Md
Local datetime 2021/10/19 22:17
Universal datetime 2021/10/19 18:17
Latitude -21.25 ° ± 0.4 km
Longitude 55.78 ° ± 0.6 km
Depth 13 km (from location) ± 0.4 km

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See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Saint-Pierre  31 84212
Le Tampon  23 78629
Saint-André  35 56268
Saint-Louis  37 53365
Saint-Benoît  23 37759
Saint-Joseph  16 37644
Sainte-Suzanne  39 23505
Bras-Panon  31 12811
Petite-Île  24 12162
Salazie  36 7312
Entre-Deux  31 6902
La Plaine-des-Palmistes  18 6565
Sainte-Rose  7 6418
Cilaos  36 5456
Saint-Philippe  7 5260

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status confirmed
RMS 0.06
Azimuthal gap 183.78 °
Number of stations used 12
Number of phases used 19


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
PF GBS P 18:17:35.94 -0.03 187.06 0.02 Manual
PF GBS S 18:17:37.98 -0.1 187.06 0.02 Manual
PF GPS P 18:17:36.12 0.06 233.34 0.02 Manual
PF GPN P 18:17:36.23 0.06 296.21 0.03 Manual
PF GPN S 18:17:38.48 0.06 296.21 0.03 Manual
PF CRA P 18:17:36.18 0.03 323.36 0.04 Manual
PF CRA S 18:17:38.34 -0.05 323.36 0.04 Manual
PF PVD P 18:17:36.35 0.05 255.61 0.04 Manual
PF PVD S 18:17:38.70 0.07 255.61 0.04 Manual
PF NTR P 18:17:36.46 -0.01 234.22 0.05 Manual
PF FJS P 18:17:36.54 0.01 293.21 0.06 Manual
PF FJS S 18:17:38.92 -0.1 293.21 0.06 Manual
PF C98 P 18:17:36.60 0.06 325.68 0.06 Manual
PF C98 S 18:17:39.11 0.08 325.68 0.06 Manual
PF TTR P 18:17:36.45 -0.02 3.28 0.07 Manual
PF HIM P 18:17:36.59 -0.04 306.38 0.07 Manual
PF PRA P 18:17:36.72 -0.01 240.96 0.08 Manual
PF PRA S 18:17:39.37 0.01 240.96 0.08 Manual
PF FRE P 18:17:36.73 -0.12 302.64 0.1 Manual