This event was reviewed by an analyst and confirmed.
Type Event
Magnitude 3.4 ML
Local datetime 2021/05/28 16:21
Universal datetime 2021/05/28 13:21
Latitude -12.83 ° ± 3 km
Longitude 45.66 ° ± 2 km
Depth 36 km (from location) ± 5 km
See the seismogram of this event.

Near cities

This table shows only the most populated cities around the epicenter.
Name Distance (km) Population
Mamoudzou  51 71437
Koungou  52 32156
Dzaoudzi  41 17831
Dembeni  53 15848
Bandraboua  60 13989
Tsingoni  57 13934
Pamandzi  41 11442
Sada  59 11156
Bandrele  53 10282
Ouangani  57 10203
Chirongui  56 8920
Chiconi  59 8295
M'Tsangamouji  63 6432
Bouéni  62 6189
Kani-Kéli  60 5507

Past seismicity

  This map shows only the 50 most significant earthquakes around this event.

Event details


Evaluation status confirmed
RMS 0.06
Azimuthal gap 332.06 °
Number of stations used 8
Number of phases used 14


The data of this event are available in various formats (QuakeML, GeoJSON and text) through the following links :

QuakeML GeoJSON Text


Network Station Phase Time Residual (s) Azimuth (°) Distance (°) Mode
1T PMZI P 13:21:53.17 -0.01 275.27 0.38 Manual
1T PMZI S 13:21:58.99 0.09 275.27 0.38 Manual
AM R0CC5 P 13:21:53.77 0 281.44 0.43 Manual
AM R0CC5 S 13:21:59.78 -0.06 281.44 0.43 Manual
RA MILA P 13:21:53.99 0 268.27 0.46 Manual
RA MILA S 13:22:00.8 -0.09 268.27 0.46 Manual
AM RAE55 P 13:21:54.25 0.06 282.68 0.46 Manual
AM R1EE2 P 13:21:54.55 -0.03 270.6 0.52 Manual
AM R1EE2 S 13:22:01.3 -0.08 270.6 0.52 Manual
ED MCHI P 13:21:54.67 -0.04 270.15 0.52 Manual
QM KNKL P 13:21:55.33 0.08 257.31 0.56 Manual
QM KNKL S 13:22:02.25 0.05 257.31 0.56 Manual
1T MTSB P 13:21:55.76 -0.06 285.25 0.58 Manual
1T MTSB S 13:22:03.42 0.12 285.25 0.58 Manual